System Navigation and Access Workgroup

DESCRIPTION OF THE WORKGROUP:  This workgroup consists of individuals working together in a collaborative nature to help end users better navigate and understand long term care resources systems and supports.


THE GOAL:  Improve caregivers’ capacity to navigate systems across the healthcare and social services sectors.


2022 Workplan Activity:  Lay the groundwork for the development of a stakeholder group that will guide cross-sector efforts to overcome systems navigation challenges. 

One of the first projects was to survey providers and other public services organizations that work directly with the aging and disability population to begin to identify these gaps. 

Follow the link for the full results of the survey.


The second project followed with a statewide survey of family caregivers, collecting information about how they find and utilize resources to help care for themselves and their loved one.  514 Wisconsin caregivers responded to the survey, helping us understand where the gaps in services are and what needs are not being met.












If you are interested in learning more about the workgroup, please get in touch with the co-chairs:


Kristin Litzelman, Ph.D.  or Lisa Schneider