There are many support groups, memory cafes, conferences, and other events available on virtual platforms.  Since these events are held via telephone or videoconference, people across Wisconsin are invited to participate.  A list of virtual Support GroupsMemory Cafes, and Ongoing Events hosted by Wisconsin agencies is posted below. Find information about online Powerful Tools for Caregivers classes here.






AARP Events Online - AARP FREE Virtual Community Center

FREE interactive online events and classes designed for learning, self-improvement, and fun.


AARP Fitness at Your Fingertips

Your Personalized Guide to Fitness! At AARP we know that staying fit is one of the pillars of healthy living, and we want to help guide you on your fitness journey. Find our comprehensive fitness offerings at AARP Fitness at Your Fingertips. Enjoy your workout!


AARP - Friendly Voices

If you or someone you love is feeling isolated or anxious in these challenging times, hearing a friendly voice on the phone may help. That’s why we created the AARP Friendly Voice program – a trained, caring group of volunteers standing by ready to chat, listen, or just say hello. It’s easy. Request a call by dialing AARP at 1-888-281-0145 for English or 1-888-497-4108 for Spanish, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. local time.


American Cancer Society

Call us or use our Live Chat feature for assistance with the following or any other inquiries you may have: Cancer-related information and referrals to patient-related programs or resources, Donations, website or event-related assistance, Tobacco-related topics, and Volunteer opportunities.


Alzheimer's Association - Wisconsin Chapter

Several Webinar/Phone Family Caregiver Education Programs can be accessed via their website.


Caregiver SOS On Air:

This half-hour weekly radio show/podcast airs on Saturdays and Sundays on 930 (AM) The Answer KLUP in San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, Ft. Worth, and Tampa, FL. Hosted by nationally recognized gerontologist Carol Zernial and veteran broadcaster and attorney Ron Aaron, and features a wide variety of caregivers, medical experts, and others. Caregiver SOS On Air explores issues important to you.


Caregiver Teleconnection Program

One-hour conference calls two to three times each week as well as archived programs for any caregiver. 


Caring Better & Braver • A podcast on Anchor

Offered by LaCrosse County, Caring Better & Braver: Caregiving is both a joy and a challenge. Most of the time, we don't see ourselves as "caregivers". Instead, we identify as the wife/husband/parent/grandparent/child/sibling/friend or neighbor. Suddenly you realize that you've become a caregiver and it's a real job - often unpaid. Millions of people find themselves in this situation every year. About 1 in 7 Americans take on the role of an unpaid family caregiver at any given time. Caring Better & Braver offers family caregivers a means to feel recognized, connected, supported, and informed. You are not alone!


Certified Direct Care Professional (CDCP)

Free training, bonuses, and access to job opportunities. Get a jump start on a new healthcare career. A free online program to become a Certified Direct Care Professional (CDCP) trains you to make life better for older adults and people with a disability. Becoming a CDCP will prepare you to enter the caregiving workforce, the first step on a career path with unlimited opportunity. 



The Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) helps people with disabilities get connected to information about local community resources that support independent living. Launched in 2021 to help people with disabilities access COVID-19 vaccinations, DIAL also provides information about essential services such as transportation, housing support, disability rights, and more.


Falls Free WI for Caregivers

Caregivers give so much to others. It’s especially important to take steps to prevent your own falls to be able to continue to care for loved ones.


Journey Ahead - Aging Well in the Chippewa Valley

Features upbeat conversations with area experts on how you or your aging loved ones can live life to the fullest in the Chippewa Valley.


Lorenzo's House:

We are a nonprofit social impact organization designed to empower youth and families, living with younger-onset dementia.


Powerful Tools for Caregivers

Classes to help caregivers take better care of themslevees while caring for a friend or relative.


Reach To Recovery

If you are facing breast cancer, it may help to connect with someone who knows what you're feeling – someone who is a breast cancer survivor, someone who can answer your questions because they have “been there." Through our secure Reach To Recovery website and app, you can create an online profile and match with trained volunteers based on your diagnosis and treatment options. 


Sit and Be Fit

Public television's #1 healthy aging program. Followers of all ages love Sit and Be Fit's easy, safe, and effetive workouts with TV Host, Mary Ann Wilson, RN and her daughter, Gretchen.



Overwhelmed By Learning How To Be A Caregiver? Access quick and targeted answers for daily care tasks through Trualta's learning library, which includes on demand videos with practical advice, Toolkits for quick, hands-on learning, and 500- articles from caregiving experts.


The Empowered Caregiver

The Empowered Caregiver Community is here to uplift caregivers through education and support while also lifting up their invaluable role in society”.


The Respite Care Provider Training (RCPT)

Is a series of free courses for anyone interested in providing respite care as a career, a part-time job, or even a volunteer activity to individuals with varying disabilities and ages.  Learners can work at their own pace to complete the ten required online courses, stopping and starting as needed. 

United Way

211 Wisconsin, in partnership with AARP, is offering direct and consistent contact to caregivers throughout the state. This project is intended to reach informal/unpaid family caregivers who are 18 years or older, who are providing care to those 18+. If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this type of connection, call 211. 


Wisconsin Dementia Care Project Learning Center

Are you interested in learning more about dementia including Alzheimer's Disease? Are you a family or professional caregiver or do you play another role in the life of someone who is living with dementia?

This program offers a series of online and classroom-style dementia courses, originally developed for and approved by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. The curriculum is appropriate for a variety of learners from beginning to advanced levels.


VA Caregiver Support Program - Caregivers Support Line (CSL)

A toll-free number for caregivers, family members, friends, Veterans, and community partners to contact for information related to caregiving and available supports and services. 


Walk With Ease: About the Program

The Arthritis Foundation’s program that is proven to reduce the pain of arthritis and improve your overall health. Available in both a Self-Guided Format and an In-Person Community Format.


The Wisconsin Adoption & Permanency Support: Program hosts support groups and events for Grandparents and Relative Caregivers.








Every Monday at 10:00 am  - Dementia Caregiver Coffee connect

Open to all caregivers of persons with memory impairment. Join other caregivers and Dementia Care Specialists from various counties for emotional, educational, and social support. To register, please call 608-386-0767. 


First Monday of the month from 7:00 - 8:00 pm  -  Monday D.I.S.H. (Dementia Informed Super Heroes)

Are you employed and caring for a parent or family member who has dementia?  This group is focused on working children and spouses that are caring for someone with dementia. Join us virtually for support and resources.  To register contact Scott Seeger at 715-261-6066 or email at 


First and Third Monday of the Month at 10:00 am - Caregiver Coffee Hour

Open to all caregivers of persons of cognitive impairment or dementia. Join Dementia Care Specialist from Dodge, Jefferson, and Rock Counties. Group does not meet on holidays/observed holidays. To particpate please contact Rob Griesel, Dodge County DCS at or 920-386-4308 or Karen Tennyson, Rock County DCS at 608-741-3615.





Second and Fourth Tuesday of the month from 5:30 - 7:00 pm - Grandparent Connections

Are you raising your grandchildren? Parenting has changed and so have you! Join other grandparents who understand the challenges and special joys of parenting the second time around. REFRESH YOUR PARENTING SKILLS MEET OTHERS LIKE YOU SHARE YOUR WISDOM TO SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER. REGISTRATION REQUIRED Contact: Beth Emmerich-Ilecki Text: 414-301-1269 or email:


Second Tuesday of the month (No Dec Mtg.) at 1:30 pm  -  Caregiver Friends Support Group

General Caregivers of any age caring for someone with any condition are welcome to join us.  To register call 920-467-4079 or email

Third Tuesday of the month at 9:00 am-10:00 am  -  Let's Talk Over Coffee

This is a social group for those caring for a loved one with dementia. The purpose of this group is to provide social engagement for caregivers to have an opportunity to talk to other caregivers about lighthearted topics and focus on positives amongst all the challenges in our world right now.  To register contact or (414) 289-6259


Third Tuesday of the month from 2 - 3 pm Circle of Support

This is a dementia-speccific support group that offers participants the chance to share, gain new insights & coping skills, and be encouraged. To register please contat Becky Kamrowski at or 715-538-1930.

Third Tuesday of each month at 4:30 pm  -  Early Evening Caregiver Support Group
Please join us by video or audio for our monthly early evening Caregiver Support Group, open to all caregivers.  For more information or to register, please contact Carley Prochaska Lee, Dementia Care Specialist, Portage County ADRC at 715-346-1401.





First Wednesday of the Month at 6:30 pm  -  Adult Child Caregiver Support Group

Gather ideas on how others deal with the everyday challenges of caring for a parent during each stage of dementia. To participate, contact Heather Moore


Third Wednesday of the Month at 6 pm - KINnect Support Group

A free monthly virtual support group for relative caregivers of children in Wisconsin. Please join us for this opportunity to connect with others for learning and as a way to share the joys and challenges of being a relative caregiver. Click here to register: VIRTUAL GROUP: KINnect Relative Caregivers of Children - Evening Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite. Questions? Email or call 1-833-WIS-APSP.



Second Wednesday of the month from 1:15 pm to 2:45 pm  -  Virtual Caregiver Support Group
We are offering the opportunity for caregivers from Manitowoc and Kewaunee Counties, caring for someone 60 years or older, to meet over the phone or through our web/app-based service to share ideas and connect with others.  To register and receive additional information, call Ariel Yang at 877-416-7083.

Second Wednesday of the month at 1:30 pm  -  Virtual Caregiver Support Group

Please join us by video or audio for our monthly Caregiver Support Group, open to all caregivers. For more information or to register, please contact Carley Prochaska Lee, Dementia Care Specialist, Portage County ADRC at 715-346-1401.

Second and Fourth Wednesday of the month from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm  -  Lewy Body Dementia Caregiver Support Group

Explore different ways of adapting to the ongoing stresses of caregiving for someone with Lewy Body Dementia. Exchange practical tips and information on caregiving issues and possible solutions in a safe space. To participate, please contact Rob Griesel or 920-386-4308.

Third Wednesday of every month at 1 pm – Dementia Caregiver Support Group
Please join us online or by phone for an hours of caregiver discussion and connection, lead by Dementia Care Specialists from Milwaukee and Waukesha counties. To register please email us at or call us at 414-289-6259.


Last Wednesday of the month at 1:30 pm  -  Caregiver Support Group

Please join us by video or audio for our monthly Caregiver Support Group, open to all caregivers.  For more information or to register, please contact the Portage County ADRC at 715-346-1401.




Every Thursday from 7:30 to 8:30 pm - Evening Conversations

Connect weekly to share ideas about caregiving for your loved one with dementia. Use this weekly outlet to connet with others across the state. To register please contact Becky Kamrowski at or 715-538-1930.  


Second Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm -  Caregiver Support Group

For family, friends, and other caregivers who are caring for a person with a chronic illness or disability.  For more information or to obtain the link to join, please contact Southwest Wisconsin ADRC-Green County Office at 608-328-9499 or email us at


Second Thursday of the month from 12 - 1 pm - Virtual Tribal Caregiver Connect

The tribal Caregiver Connect session is supported by the Tribal Dementia Care Specialist in the state. Caregiver connect sessions are a great way to share stories, get tips and strategies from other caregivers journey. To register or for questions, please contact Debbie Miller at or at 920-869 -4854, Alison Cuddy at or at 715-558-7942, Katrina Decorah at or 715-349-8854 (Ext 5221), or Dori McGeshick at or 715478-5190



Fourth Thursday of the month at 10:30 am - Caregiver Support Group

For family, friends, and other caregivers who are caring for a person with a chronic illness or disability.  For more information or to obtain the link to join, please contact Southwest Wisconsin ADRC-Green County Office at 608-328-9499 or email us at


Last Thursday of the Month from at 11 am - KINnect Support Group

A free monthly virtual support group for relative caregivers of children in Wisconsin. Please join us for this opportunity to connect with others for learning and as a way to share the joys and challenges of being a relative caregiver. Click here to register: VIRTUAL GROUP: KINnect Relative Caregivers of Children - Evening Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite. Questions? Email or call 1-833-WIS-APSP.



Every Friday 9 am - 10 am - Early Stage Virtual Caregiver Support Group 

To learn more information please contact Karen Tennyson, Rock County Dementia Care Specialist at 608-741-3615


The Alzheimer's Association facilitates several virtual support groups including a group for persons living with Mild Cognitive Impairment, a group for male family caregivers, a group for family caregivers for a loved with living in a facility, for a loved one in the early stages of dementia, and for a loved one with Frontotemporal Degeneration.  View Support Group Details






(Memory Cafes provide a way for persons with memory loss and their care partner to socialize with other people going through similar journeys.)

Tuesdays at 11:00 am  -  Fox Valley Memory Project Zoom Memory Cafe
Learn more by visiting or contacting Harper at or by calling 920-225-1711.

First and third Tuesday of the month from 9 am-10:30 am  -  Caregiver Virtual Café

Caregivers of any age caring for someone with any condition are welcome to share ideas, offer support, and socialize.  For more information contact the Eau Claire County Aging and Disability Resource Center @ 715-839-4735.  To Register call 715-839-6714 or email 


Second Tuesday of the month from 10:00-11:30 pm  -  Chippewa Valley Memory Cafe - 2021 Virtual Time Travelers Series
Join us as we go back in time to explore how those in the past lived, worked, and played in the Chippewa Valley.  This group is open to anyone that is interested, as well as caregivers and those living with memory loss.  This is a collaboration of the Chippewa valley Musem and the ADRC.  Register online at or call the ADRC at 715-839-4735.

Second of the month at 1:00 PM  -  Virtual Memory Cafe 

A place for persons with mild cognitive impairment, early-stage Alzheimer's, or related dementia, and their care partners to socialize and have fun, all from the comfort of your home.  To register please call Kimberly Bauer, Dementia Care Specialist for St. Croix County at 715-381-4411.


Second Wednesday of the month at 10:30 am  -  Virtual Memory Café

To register please call Carley Prochaska Lee, Dementia Care Specialist at the Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of Portage County at 715-346-1401or emailing to

Second Wednesday of the month at 1:00 pm  -  Virtual Lakeshore Memory Cafe
To register, please call (262) 741-3273 or email 


Second and Third Wednesday of the month from 10 am to 11 am - Wacky Wednesday Memory Café

Please contact Karen Tennyson, Rock County Dementia Care Specialist at 608-741-3615 for more information.

Every Thursday at 11:00 am  -  Think Cap Cafe
Connect, engage and socialize with old friends and new friends! Did you know that loneliness, isolation, and sitting all day have been identified as risk factors for Alzheimer’s (the most common type of dementia), and is the 4th leading cause of death for older Black adults? You can reduce your risk for dementia and, in some cases, slow the progression of the disease by being active, connecting socially, and engaging in mental activities.  To register, contact Deana at or (608) 512-0000 Ext. 2007

Every Thursday at 1:30 pm  -  Fox Valley Memory Project Zoom Memory Cafe
Learn more by visiting or contact Harper at or by calling 920-225-1711.


Third Friday of the month at 10:00 am  -  Virtual Memory Café

For persons with mild cognitive impairment, early-stage Alzheimer's, or related dementia, and their care partners. Attendees can travel virtually to familiar and new places, reminisce about time spent there, or learn something new! Many of the cafes are centered around history, music, dancing, and other stimulating subjects. For more information, contact Janet Wiegel at

Third Friday of the month at 9:30 am  -  Burlington Area Memory Cafe
To register, please contact Chad Sutkay at (262) 212-3596 or email at 




NEW in 2025! The StrongBodies Program will help you increase your strength, bone density, balance, and energy!   Join StrongBodies today! 
Questions about the StrongBodies Program: or register here



Every Wednesday at 10:00 am  -  Wacky Wednesday for Fun and Socialization

To register please contact Karen Tennyson, Rock County Dementia Care Specialist at 608-741-3615.


Every Wednesday at 1:30 pm  -  Knowledge is Power Hour - Educational Programming

Register by emailing or calling Cori at 608-921-7165.


First Wednesday of the month at 1:00  - Webinar Wednesdays

Each month be sure to register for this 60-minute informative webinar regarding respite care in Wisconsin. RCAW staff will summarize how their programs, grants, FREE online training, and resources can maximize other primary caregiver support programs (45 minutes). Each month, Webinar Wednesday will also host guest speakers who are subject-matter experts (15 minutes) to educate viewers on various respite-related topics.  Open to anyone interested in learning more about respite and related resources.  For more info, check out RCAW’s website  To register visit 


Fourth Wednesday @ 4:00 pm  -  Outagamie Caregiver Coalition Chats

Caregivers of any age are invited to participate in this one-hour Zoom chat. This is open to anyone interested in participating, you do not need to live in Outagamie County!  Contact Karen Dickrell, Extension Outagamie at 920-832-5126 or email:  


To add or update an event please contact